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Annual Meetings Schedule 2023

Adventist Society for Religious Studies 

San Antonio, Texas, November 16-18, 2023


"Cosmic Conflict: Out-of-Date vs. Up-to-Date"


​Thursday, November 16

Hampton Inn and Suites San Antonio Riverwalk

Street Address: 118 Soledad Street, San Antonio, TX

Note: the room where we are meeting is in the basement. You’ll need to take the elevator and go down the SINGLE elevator (not the other two on the other side). Use code 114 and click B.


​6:30-7:30 PM - Reception


7:30-7:45 - Welcome and Announcements by President-elect

Lena Toews


​7:45-8:45 - Presidential Address 2023

"Cosmic Conflict: Out-of-Date vs. Up-to-Date: Three Stops on a Journey"

Sigve Tonstad


9:00-9:30 PM - Business Session I


Friday, November 17


6:30-8:00 AM


Grand Hyatt Hotel, Republic B

Street Address: 600 E Market Street, San Antonio, TX

Adventist Women's Scholars Breakfast hosted by the North American Division


Marriott River Center Hotel

Street Address: 101 Bowie St, San Antonio, TX 78205


8:00-8:20 AM - Morning devotional


Grand Ballroom, Salon H

Paper: A History of the Book: The Great Controversy, from 1858 to the Storming of the United States Capitol

Michael W. Campbell, North American Division SDA


8:30-9:45 AM Paper Sessions


Grand Ballroom, Salon H

Cosmic Conflict in the Book of Revelation

Sigve Tonstad, presiding


Paper #1: The Identity of Michael in Revelation 12:7

Jon Paulien, Loma Linda University


Paper #2: Making Sense of Suffering, Kingdom, and Endurance with the Help of Revelation 1:9

Oleg Kostyuk, AdventHealth University


Paper #3: Understanding Eternal Gospel in Revelation 14 in Light of its Literary Structure

Zandritiana Lovanomena, PhD student, Adventist International Institute of Advanced Studies


Con​ference Room 11

Cosmic Conflict and Judgement

Rodney Palmer, presiding


Paper #1: Creation, Cosmic Conflict, and Re-Creation

Martin Hanna, Andrews University


Paper #2: The Relationship of the Divine Judgment to God’s Love: A Biblical-Theological Examination

Jacob Aguimesheo, PhD student, Adventist International Institute of Advanced Studies


Conference Room 12

Cosmic Conflict and the Gospels

Zdravko Stefanovic, presiding


Paper #1: Jesus’ Exorcism of the Temple: The Interplay between the Cosmic Conflict and Racial Conflict

Kenley D. Hall, Andrews University


Paper #2: Silent Night, or Fright Night? Martial Imagery as an Indicator of
Cosmic Conflict in the Lukan Nativity Narrative

Ross Winkle, Pacific Union College


Paper #3: Cosmic Conflict in the Gospel of Mark and Its Significance for the Seventh-day Adventist Message

Igor Lorencin, Friedensau Adventist University



9:45-11:00Paper Session 2


Grand Ballroom, Salon H

Cosmic Conflict in Ancient and Biblical Literature

Lena Toews, presiding


Paper #1: Is a Cosmic Conflict Biblical?

Jean Sheldon, Pacific Union College


Paper #2: Exploring the Function of the Books in Daniel 7:10

Etienne M. Irakiza, AIIAS


Paper #3: The Mother of All Living: Listening to Her Tell the Story of Genesis 3

Mathilde Frey, Walla Walla University


Con​ference Room 11

Cosmic Conflict and Politics

James Walters, presiding


Paper #1: People of the Lie: Christian Alignment with the Antagonists in the Cosmic Conflict

Keith Burton, AdventHealth University


Paper #2: The Politics of Weaponizing the Controversy between Good and Evil”

Jeffrey Rosario, Loma Linda University


Paper #3: The Woman in the Wilderness and Other Tales: A Reassessment of Seventh-day Adventist Interpretation of Revelation 12

Kevin Burrell, Wilfrid Laurier University, Canada


Conference Room 12

Cosmic Conflict and Divine and Human Interaction

David Williams, presiding


Paper #1: Cosmic Politics: Conflict Governance versus Cosmopolitan Shared Governance 

Moises Isaac, Loma Linda University


Paper #2: Race: SDA Hamartiology and Theological Anthropology

Alexander Douglas, Kings College, Cambridge University


Paper #3: The Cosmic Conflict Macronarrative as Key Component in a Fourfold Hermeneutical Structure

Adelina Alexe, Andrews University


Discussion (15 minutes) 


11:00-11:30 - Business Session II (Grand Ballroom, Salon H)


11:30 – 11:45 - Break


11:45-1:00 - Paper Session 3. 


Grand Ballroom, Salon H

The Great Controversy

Michael W. Campbell, presiding


Paper #1: The Role of the Sabbath in the Great Controversy: A Voice from the Past

Nicholas P. Miller, Andrews University


Paper #3: “Jacob Defeated God and So Can You: Ellen White’s Important Vision Reconsidered Anew”

Matthew Korpman, La Sierra University


Con​ference Room 11

Cosmic Conflict in Literature 

Alexander Douglas, presiding


Paper #1: Sauron or the White Witch? The Adversary in John’s Gospel

Jonathan A. Campbell, Burman University


Paper #2: Ethics of the Other and Christian Theodicy: A Focus on Emmanuel Levinas

Sunghun Choi, PhD Student, Andrews University


Paper #3

Ivan Karamazov’s "Rebellion", the Mid-Twentieth Century Gas Chambers, and the Need for a Deeper Adventist Vision of the Cosmic Conflict

Zdravko Plantak, Loma Linda University


Conference Room 12

Cosmic Conflict and the End

Mathilde Frey, presiding


Paper #1: The Focal Theme of the End-time Great Controversy in the Central Section of the Book of Revelation

Alfredo G. Agustin, Jr., Asia Pacific International University


Paper #2: Cosmic Eschatology in Acts 2 and its Implications on the Community of Believers

Lena Toews, Union College


Paper #3: Advent Hope on the Edges of Silicon Valley: Technofuturism, Adventist Eschatology, and the Relevance of Cosmic Conflict

Michael Swenson, Safety Policy Manager, Meta, Inc.


1:00-2:00 - Lunch Break


2:00-3:15 - Paper Session 4. 


Grand Ballroom, Salon H

Cosmic Conflict and Theodicy

Zdravko Plantak, presiding


Paper #1: The Devil is in the Details: Black Theodicy from a Cosmic-Conflict Perspective

Ingram London, Oakwood University


Paper #2: Cosmic Conflict as an Answer to Innocent Suffering

Thomas Toews, Union College


Paper #3: De-Framing God: Theodrama and the Challenge of False Narratives in the Face of Evil

Tihomir Lazic, Newbold College, UK


Conference Room 11

Cosmic Conflict in theologians, Old and New

Johnny Ramirez-Johnson, presiding


Paper #1: The Vindication of God’: Edward Heppenstall and the use of the concept of cosmic conflict for reframing the sanctuary doctrine – a contextual study of theological development.

Gilbert Valentine, La Sierra University


Paper #2: Martin Luther and Seventh-day Adventism’s Antichrist(s)

Daniela Pusic, PhD student, Andrews University


Paper #3: “And there was war in heaven” — A Comparison of Ellen White and John Milton on the Fall of Lucifer and Its Theological and Pastoral Implications

Denis Fortin, Andrews University


​Conference Room 12

Cosmic Conflict and Adventism

Bonnie Dwyer, presiding


Paper #1: Revelation 13 - From Out-of-date to Up-to-date

Mihai Bijacu, PhD student, Andrews University


Paper #2: Cosmic Conflict: A Dynamical Redemption Story

Tammy Wiese, University of St. Andrews


3:15-3:30 - Business Session III (Grand Ballroom, Salon H)


3:30-4:45 - Session 5. There will be no traditional sectional meetings. But the paper presentations are somewhat grouped by disciplines.


Grand Ballroom, Salon H

Biblical Studies (OT and NT)

Ross Winkle, presiding


Paper #1: What happened to the thrones in Daniel 7:9

Zdravko Stefanovic, AdventHealth University


Paper #2: Cosmic Conflict and Adventist Ethics

P. Richard Choi, Andrews University


Paper #3: Daniel and Revelation: Blasphemy in the Cosmic Conflict

Bohdan Kuryliak, PhD student, University of Zurich, Switzerland

Ihor Kuryliak, PhD student, University of Zurich, Switzerland


Conference Room 11

Theology, Ethics and History

Martin Hanna, presiding


Paper #1: Cosmic Conflict as Story—Literal and Symbolic

James W. Walters, Loma Linda University


Paper #2: The Power and Relevance of Cosmic Conflict as Aesthetic Narrative

Greg Hoenes, La Sierra University


Paper #3: A Progressive Understanding: The Great Controversy in the past and now.

Donny Chrissutianto, Adventist International Institute of Advanced Studies


Conference Room 12

Practical Theology and World Religions.

Thomas Toews, presiding


Paper #1: The Great Contrast: The Psycho-Social-Spiritual Validity of the Great Controversy Narrative in Explaining the Erosive and Corrosive Nature of Evil & Christ’s Bitter Fight for Wholeness

Cory Wetterlin and Duane Covrig, Kettering Health

Paper #3: The Cosmic Conflict, Pop Culture, and Digital Missions

Mabio Coelho Neto, AU PhD Student


4:45-5:30 PM - Additional Sectional Meeting and Convener


Grand Ballroom, Salon H

Black Theology Group

Alexander Douglas, King's College, Cambridge University


Conference Room 11

Women's Group

Lena Toews, Union College


Conference Room 12

Philosophy of Religion and Ethics

Marina Garnier, President of SAPhilosophers



Friday Evening, November 17

The First Presbyterian Church of San Antonio

(404 N. Alamo Street, San Antonio, TX 78205)


5:45-9:00 PM - Adventist Scholars' Supper/Vespers by the North American Division Ministerial Department



Sabbath, November 18

Westin Hotel, Navarro Room

Street Address: 420 W. Market Street, San Antonio, TX


9:00 -9:20 AM - Devotional (paper)

From the Minutest Atom to the Greatest World: Worship

David A. Williams


9:20 -10:35 - Sabbath School panel discussion moderated by Lena Toews, featuring Jean Sheldon, John McVay, Ingram London, Denis Fortin, and John Peckham.

"Cosmic Conflict: Out of Date, Up to Date?" Implications for the Curriculum at an Adventist Institution of Higher Learning.


11:00-12:00 - Sabbath Service. 

Sermon: "Navigating the Cosmic Conflict: Insights from the Great Controversy Motif" by Dr. Daniel Duda


Friday Morning
Friday Evening
Friday Afternoon
Sabbath Morning

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