Annual Meeting Schedule
Adventist Society for Religious Studies
San Diego, California, November 21-23, 2024
"Glimpses of the Triune God: Unveiling the Presence and Role of the Holy Spirit in Christian Faith"
​Thursday, November 21
The Old Spaghetti Factory
Street Address: 275 Fifth Ave, San Diego, CA 92101
Note: The Thursday Evening Meal is now fully booked, and registration has closed.
​6:00-7:30 PM - Reception
7:30-7:45 - Welcome and Announcements by President-elect
Rodney Palmer, Andrews University
​7:45-8:30 - Presidential Address 2024
"Glimpses of the Triune God: Unveiling the Presence of the Holy Spirit in Christian Faith"
Lena Toews, Union Adventist University
8:30-9:00 PM - Business Session I
Friday, November 22
6:30-8:00 AM
Adventist Women's Scholars Breakfast hosted by the North American Division
Manchester Grand Hyatt, Gaslamp CD
Street Address: 1 Market Place, San Diego, CA 92101
Paper Sessions
Manchester Grand Hyatt, Coronado A
Street Address: 1 Market Place, San Diego, CA 92101
8:00-8:20 Morning Devotional
Paper: Let Us Make God in Our Image: The Human “Spirit” and
Kataphatic Theology
Keith Burton, AdventHealth University
8:30-9:45 Paper Session I
Grand Hyatt, Coronado A
Glimpses of the Triune God in Theology and Justice
Presiding: Rodney Palmer, Andrews University
Paper #1: Baptism of the Spirit: A Theological-Historical Analysis
Adlai Tornalejo, Adventist International Institute of Advanced Studies
Paper #2: Divine Unity or Human Mutiny? The Father in Heaven and the Mother Earth: A Reconstructive Reading of Shema.
Olive Hemmings, Washington Adventist University
Paper #3: Agitated and Empowered: The Spirit of God and Resistance
Pilira Zapita, Newbold College of Higher Education
Grand Hyatt, America's Cup D (past the escalator outside the sliding doors)
Glimpses of the Triune God in the Pauline Epistles
Presiding: Sigve Tonstad, Loma Linda University
Paper #1: Titus 3:5 and the Washing of Regeneration: The Role of the Holy Spirit in Justification
Leonardo Nunes and Zandritiana Lovanomena, Adventist International Institute of Advanced Studies
Paper #2: The Holy Spirit and the Orientation Towards
Tammy L Wiese, University of St. Andrews, Scotland
Paper #3: Paul’s Theology of the Human Body as the Temple of the Holy Spirit: An Analysis of 1 Corinthians 6:19
Jean-Claude Rukundo, Adventist International Institute of Advanced Studies
Grand Hyatt, Coronado E
Glimpses of the Triune God in the Life of the Church
Presiding: David Williams, Andrews University
Paper #1: Paul and the Work of the Holy Spirit Within the Context of the Great Controversy
Thiago Lessa Fiuza, Andrews University
Paper #3: The Ministry of the Holy Spirit to the Christian Church as Depicted in the Book of Revelation: From the Incarnation of the Messiah to the Cessation of Grace
Natal Gardino, Seminário Adventista Latino-Americano de Teologia, Brazil
9:50-11:05 Paper Session II
Grand Hyatt, Coronado A
Glimpses of the Triune God in the Gospel of John
Presiding: Michael Campbell, North American Division
Paper #1: The Holy Spirit in the Gospel of John
Jon Paulien, Loma Linda University
Paper #2: The Baptism by the Holy Spirit
Mariju Pimentel, Adventist International Institute of Advanced Studies
Paper #3: Nothing Changes if Nothing Changes: Character Study in John 21:1-14
Stanislav Kondrat, Andrews University
Paper #4: The Role of the Holy Spirit in the Eschatological Restoration of God’s People: An Inner Biblical Interpretation of John 3:1-15
Beersheba Maywald-Jacob, Adventist International Institute of Advanced Studies
Grand Hyatt, America's Cup D (past the escalator outside the sliding doors)
Glimpses of the Triune God in the Christian Experience
Presiding: Tihomir Lazic, Newbold College of Higher Education
Paper #1: The Epistemology of the Holy Spirit to Articulating His Presence Among Believers: Evaluation of Two Conflicting Models and A Proposal
Jacob Aguimesheo, Adventist International Institute of Advanced Studies
Paper #2: The Missing Blue: God's Energy, Holy Spirit, and Godly Emotions
Petr Cincala, Andrews University
Paper #3: Ascending Heavenward: The Holy Spirit’s Work in the Life of the Believer
Katrina Blue, Pacific Union College
Grand Hyatt, Coronado E
Glimpses of the Triune God in Philosophy and the Sciences
Presiding: Bohdan Kuryliak, University of Zurich
Paper #1: Ontological Transformation Through the Indwelling of the Holy Spirit
Cory Wetterlin, Kettering College
Paper #2: Many Can Be One: A New Analogy for the Trinity
Gerald Wheeler, Independent Scholar
Paper #3: Divine Spirit Both Grounds and Animates Science’s Domain
Jim Walters, Loma Linda University
Paper #4: Reading Mysticism, Pneumatology, and Cognitive Literary Theory in E. J. Waggoner’s The Everlasting Covenant
Nathon L. Hilton, Independent Scholar
11:10-11:40 Business Session II (Coronado A)
11:45-1:00 Paper Session III
Grand Hyatt, Coronado A
Glimpses of the Triune God in New Testament Literature
Presiding: Lena Toews, Union Adventist University
Paper #1: Holy or Profane? Scribal Sanctification in Greek New Testament Manuscripts
Jonathan Campbell, Burman University
Paper #2: Trinitarianism and Muddled Arithmetic: How Naming God Father, Son and Holy Spirit Defines Discipleship
Charles Scriven, Independent Scholar
Paper #3: Implied Gender of the Holy Spirit in the Gospel of Matthew
Ernie Bursey, AdventHealth University
Paper #4: Not a “Fluvial Fantasy”: The River of Living Water in John’s Apocalypse as a Symbol of the Spirit
Ross Winkle, Pacific Union College
Grand Hyatt, America's Cup D (past the escalator outside the sliding doors)
Glimpses of the Triune God in Missions
Presiding: Zane Yi, Loma Linda University
Paper #1: Mission as Hope in Action
Mabio Coelho Neto, Andrews University
Paper #2: At the Core of Mission Strategy: Seeking the Points Where the Holy Spirit Works
Chuanshan Liang, Adventist International Institute of Advanced Studies
Paper #3: Speaking in Tongues and Biblical Hermeneutics: Implications for Adventist Theology and Mission
Wagner Kuhn, Andrews University
Paper #4: Empowered for Mission: A Pneumatic Exegesis of Acts 1:8
Mallum Joshua, Adventist International Institute of Advanced Studies
Grand Hyatt, Coronado E
Glimpses of the Triune God in Judgment and Eschatology
Presiding: Janice De-Whyte, Loma Linda University
Paper #1: The past, present and future aspects of the Holy Spirit’ s functions in 1 Peter
Malalasoa Andrianjafimbeloarijaona, Adventist International Institute of Advanced Studies
Paper #2: The Holy Spirit as Mother and Messiah: Discerning the Ontology of the Holy Spirit – from Creative Inception to the Eschatological Redemption
Angel Calvin, Brown University
Paper #3: Divine Judgment and the Person of the Holy Spirit: A Canonical Perspective
Andrew Ben Jacob, Adventist International Institute of Advanced Studies
Paper #4: Unveiling Divine Intervention: The Role of the Holy Spirit in the Eschatological Destiny of the Unevangelized in Christian Theology
Abner Hernandez, Andrews University
1:00-2:00 Lunch Break
2:00-3:15 Paper Session IV
Grand Hyatt, Coronado A
Glimpses of the Triune God in Ancient and Biblical Literature
Presiding: Zdravko Plantak, Loma Linda University
Paper #1: Seeing the Spirit
Thomas Toews, Union Adventist University​
Paper #3: Would the Holy Spirit Inspire Falsehood? Ellen White’s Use and Evaluation of 1 Enoch
Matthew Korpman, La Sierra University
Paper #4: The Spirit of God in Exodus 31:1-5: A Trinitarian Perspective
Elfino Elmo, Adventist International Institute of Advanced Studies
Grand Hyatt, America's Cup D (past the escalator outside the sliding doors)
Glimpses of the Triune God in Acts
Presiding: Ingram London, Oakwood University
Paper #1: Jesus “giving instructions through the Holy Spirit” in Acts 1:2: A Discourse and Characterization Analysis
Orsly Raranta, Adventist International Institute of Advanced Studies
Paper #2: Anarchy, Authority, and Experience in the Age of the Spirit: Acts and Galatians Compared (and Assessed)
Sigve Tonstad, Loma Linda University
Paper #3: The Holy Spirit’s Impact on Church Identity, Unity, and Diversity: Insights from the Book of Acts
Dioi Cruz, Middle East University
Grand Hyatt, Coronado E
Glimpses of the Triune God in Adventism
Presiding: Tarsee Li, Oakwood University
Paper #1: The Wondrous Workings of the Holy Spirit: Toward an Adventist Comparative Phenomenology
Igor Kokhan, La Sierra University
Paper #2: The Influence of the Different Views of the Holy Spirit on the Rejection/Acceptance of the Trinity in SDA Church and its Implication
Donny Chrissutianto, Adventist International Institute of Advanced Studies
Paper #3: A Brief Overview of the Heavenly Trio in Early Adventist History and Ellen White’s Writings
Anna M. Galeniece, Andrews University
3:20-3:40 Business Session III (Grand Hyatt, Coronado A)
3:45-4:45 Sectional Meetings by Discipline (Grand Hyatt, Coronado A)
Christian Theology and History: Martin Hanna, Andrews University
New Testament: Erhard Gallos, Andrews University
Old Testament: Jody Washburn, Walla Walla University
Philosophy and Ethics: Yi-Shen Ma, Loma Linda University
Practical Theology: Ernie Furness, Northern California Conference of SDA
World Religions/Missiology: John Jones, La Sierra University
4:45-5:30 Additional Sectional Meetings (Grand Hyatt, Coronado A)
Black Theology Group:​ Olive Hemmings, Washington Adventist University
Women in Theology Group: Lena Toews, Union Adventist University
Friday Evening, November 22
Paradise Valley Seventh-Day Adventist Church
2701 East 8th. St., National City, CA 91950
6:00 Adventist Scholars' Supper/Vespers by the North American Division Ministerial Department
Sabbath, November 23
Manchester Grand Hyatt, Coronado A
Street Address: 1 Market Place, San Diego, CA 92101
9:00-9:20 AM Morning Devotional
Paper: The Intersection between the Triune God and Transformative Preaching
Kenley Hall, Andrews University
9:20 -10:35 Sabbath School Panel Discussion
Moderator: Tihomir Lazic, Newbold College of Higher Education
11:00-12:00 Worship Service
Jan Barna, Newbold College of Higher Education
Sermon: “The Unsettling Role of the Holy Spirit: The Spirit as the Church’s Guide in Theological Unlearning.”