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NOVEMBER 15 - 17





The Adventist Society for Religious Studies (ASRS) is a Seventh-day Adventist scholarly community whose purpose is to provide intellectual and social fellowship among its members and encourage scholarly pursuits in all religious studies disciplines, particularly with reference to the Seventh-day Adventist tradition. It was formally organized in New York City, 1979.


Thursday, November 15

Colorado Convention Center - 203, 205 (street level)

Theme: "The Role and Relevance of the Adventist Religion Teacher/Scholar Today"

6:00 - 7:00pm

ASRS Registration and Reception (sponsored by NAD Ministerial Association)

7:00 - 7:15pm


Tarsee Li, Oakwood University

Ivan Williams, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists

7:15 - 8:30pm

Paper Session I: The Scholar and the Church

Katrina Blue, Pacific Union College, presiding

Richard Rice, Loma Linda University—

“Religion and the Adventist University: The Role of the Adventist Religion Teacher”

John Grys, Illinois Conference of SDA—

“Why Administrators Need Scholars”

8:30 - 9:00pm

Business Session I

Denis Fortin, Andrews University, presiding

Friday Morning, November 16

Colorado Convention Center - 401

(street level)

8:00 - 9:30am

Paper Session II: Theological Reflections

Donny Chrissutianto, Adventist International Institute of Advanved Studies, presiding

Adelina Alexe, Andrews University—“Objectivity, Finitude, and Authority in Postmodernism: Anthropological Insights from Charles Taylor’s and Richard Rorty’s Critiques of Epistemology”


Aleksandar S. Santrac, Washington Adventist University—“The Adventist Scholar Today and Bonhoeffer’s Intellectually Relevant, Prophetically Vibrant and Ethically Transformative Gospel”


Charles Scriven, Kettering College—“The Rabbi and the Gadfly: Finitude and the Dialectic of Tradition and Critique”

9:30 - 9:45am

9:45 - 10:00am

10:00 - 11:40am

Business Session II:

Denis Fortin, Andrews University, presiding



Paper Session III: Biblical and Historical Reflections

Michael Campbell, Southwestern Adventist University, presiding

Acacia Chan, University of Texas, Austin—“Privileged Responsibility in Ancient Education and Reading Practices: An Appeal to the Past for the Benefit of the Future”


Jeff Dale, Emory University—“Coming to Grips with Scripture: The Bible as Both a Problem and a Solution in Our Polarized Climate”


Gilbert M. Valentine, La Sierra University—“The Religion Teacher as Prophet: Lessons from a Case Study in Imposing Orthodoxy”


Igor Lorencin, Friedensau Adventist University—“Hermeneutical Turn in Adventism?”

11:40 - 12:00pm

12:00 - 1:30pm

Business Session III:

Denis Fortin, Andrews University, presiding


Friday Afternoon, November 16

Colorado Convention Center - 401

(street level)

1:30 - 3:10pm

Paper Session IV: Pastoral Reflections

Kevin Burrell, Burman University, presiding

Anne Collier-Freed, Kettering College—“Revitalizing the Body: Inviting the Triune God to Renew Adventists’ Practice of Hospitality”


Bruce Boyd, Burman University—“Equipping University Students to be Peacemakers”


Liang Chuanshan, Adventist International Institute of Advanced Studies—“Toward An Adventist Perspective on Sinicization of Christianity: Making Gospel Relevant or Destroying It?”


Daryll Ward, Kettering College—“Ministers of Reconciliation”

3:10 - 3:30pm

3:30 - 4:30pm

Business Session IV:

Denis Fortin, Andrews University, presiding

Sectional Meetings:

Christian Theology and History: Martin Hanna, Andrews University, convener


New Testament: Erhard Gallos, Andrews University, convener


Old Testament: Jody Washburn, Walla Walla University, convener


Philosophy and Ethics: Daryll Ward, Kettering College, and Roy Benton, Pacific Union College, conveners


Practical Theology: Ernie Furness, Southeastern California Conference, convener


World Religions and Missiology: Paul Dybdahl, Walla Walla University, convener

4:45 - 6:00pm

Additional Meetings:

Black Theology Group: Kevin Burrell, Burman University,



Women in Theology Group: Anne Collier-Freed, Kettering College, convener

Friday Evening, November 16

Arvada SDA Church

7090 W. 64th Ave. Arvada, CO

NB! Buses will be leaving from the Convention Center at 5:30pm pm and return from the church at 8:00pm



ASRS - ATS Joint Societies Fellowship Meal and Presidential Addresses

Mathilde Frey, Walla Walla University and John Reeve, Andrews University, presiding


ASRS Presidential Address, Tarsee Li, Oakwood University


ATS Presidential Address, Carl Cosaert, Walla Walla University

Sabbath Morning, November 17

Colorado Convention Center - 507

(street level)

9:00 - 10:30am

Panel Discussion

Calvin B. Rock, Protest and Progress: Black SDA Leadership and the Push for Parity (Andrews University Press, 2018)


Moderator, W. Edward Hucks II, Andrews University

Alexander Barrientos, Potomac Conference

David Hamstra, Andrews University

Olive Hemmings, Washington Adventist University

Ivan Williams, North American Division

10:30 - 10:45am



Devotional Address


Niels-Erik Andreasen, Andrews UniversityAdventist Ministry: What Matters Now"


Colorado Convention Center

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